Since 1993

First, learn to manage

How many people, when promoted to their first management roll, receive management training?

The answer is, very few!  Yet if you have ever had a good manager, or a really good teacher or even had good parents, you already know the value that is missing.

I ask two important questions during an interview, where the answers almost always identify a good hire vs a poor hire.  The first is, "Tell me about the best manager you have worked for so far".  The second question is "Tell me about the one person that has been most influential".

The winning answer for the first question is far too rare.  The winning answer for the second question of course is to name a parent, or both, and describe a good example, healthy discipline, a loving family and strong values.

A manager's job is to help ensure the success of their group, achieving company goals.  Likewise, the parents job to ensure the life success of their children.

It may be rare to receive specific managerial training, or even parental training for that matter.  But make no mistake, successful managers, as well as successful parents, take that part of their job very seriously!

Look around for yourself, poor management is everywhere.  It even works for a while.  But why settle?

Management is easy, when you do it!

Look around, the symptoms of poor management are all around.
Look around, the symptoms of poor management are all around.

Every manager can learn to practice and teach effective management.  Effective management breeds success, and success is more contagious than complacency!

New Manager Training

Training a new manager with the tools, methods and a simple work process to effectively manage.

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Grooming senior management

Coaching and guiding proven managers for their next assignment.

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Effective board management

Recharge the function and operation of the Board of Directors/Advisors to drive success throughout.

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Next Steps...

It starts with a simple phone call.  Lets discuss your thoughts!